Question Title

* StudentFname

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* StudentLname

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* Department

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* AdvisorFname

Question Title

* AdvisorLname

Question Title

* Type of Project (Laboratory Science = research involving animals, solutions, antibodies, clinical chemistry performed by student; Clinical research = involving patient care, outcome studies, diagnostic imaging, chart reviews).

Question Title

* 1. Was this project initiated between your 1st and 2nd year?

Question Title

* Please answer the following questions regarding your thesis advisor.

  0 No Value 1 No Value 2 Moderate 3 Moderate 4 Very Valuable 5 Very Valuable
2. Did this advisor understand the philosophy and the mechanics of the thesis requirement?
3. Did this advisor develop a game plan with you at the beginning of the project and then stick to it?
4. Did this advisor have realistic expectations of the quality or quantity of research that you could do?
5. Did he/she help you to narrow or broaden the scope of your project?
6. Was this advisor able to provide you with the resources you needed to complete the project, i.e. lab supplies, money?
7. Did he/she take an active interest in your progress?
8. Was this advisor available when you needed to see him/her?
9. Did this advisor seem to have your best interest in mind?
10. Did he/she return drafts and revisions to you in a timely manner?
11. Did he/she support your efforts to publish?
12. Would you recommend this advisor to another student?

Question Title

* Please expand on the reasons you would or would not recommend this advisor to another student and expand on your thesis experience below (maximum of 2,000 characters).