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Thank you for sharing your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. Is this your first visit to the Art Climb? (opened May 2020 includes steps, gardens, art installations, seating and accessible ramps)

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* 2. How likely is it that you would recommend the Art Climb to a friend or colleague?


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* 3. How would you rate your experience at the Art Climb today?

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* 4. How would you characterize the reason(s) for your visit today? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Before visiting, did you know that the Art Climb is a part of the Cincinnati Art Museum?

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* 6. Are you planning to visit, or have you already visited any of the following today?

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* 7. How many are in your group today?

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* 8. How would you describe your group?

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* 9. Do you feel that the following are safe places to visit during the current pandemic? (select all that apply)

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* 10. Are there any accommodations or changes that would have improved your visit to the Art Climb today or any challenges you experienced?

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* 11. Do you identify as any of the following? (select all that apply)

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* 12. Did anyone in your group utilize any of the following during their visit today? (select all that apply)

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* 13. What three words would you use to describe the Art Climb?

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* 14. In what ZIP code is your home located?

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* 15. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)

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* 16. What is your age?

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* 17. What is your gender?

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* 18. Are you currently a Cincinnati Art Museum member?

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* 19. Do you plan to visit the Art Climb again?

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* 20. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you visit the Cincinnati Art Museum's indoor galleries?

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* 21. If you would like to be added to the Cincinnati Art Museum e-news list please leave your email address below. You will also be entered into a drawing to win a gift card to our museum shop.

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