Superintendent Qualities/Skills/Attributes Inventory

The Region 12 Board of Education invites you to provide input regarding the characteristics believed to be important in the next Superintendent of Schools. Below are listed some of the qualities, skills and attributes deemed necessary to be an effective Superintendent. By checking the boxes next to your choices, please select the five (5) that you think are most important. You are also invited to comment on your five choices. All responses will be considered anonymous.

Your response would be appreciated by Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at noon.

Thank you for your participation in this questionnaire.

Question Title

* 1. All of the below qualities/skills/attributes are deemed necessary for a superintendent's success in leading school districts. Of the choices listed below, choose the FIVE (5) you think are the most important for the new superintendent to embody.

I would like a leader who...

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* 2. In the space provided below, you are invited to provide your reasons and/or additional commentary regarding the five qualities/skills/experiences you chose as the most important for the new Superintendent's success in this school district.

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* 3. In the space below, please indicate the challenges and tasks you think are important for the new Superintendent to focus upon in their first six to twelve months in the position.

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* 4. In the space below, you are invited to provide additional comments or information that you think would be helpful to the Board of Education as it seeks to find a new Superintendent of Schools.

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* 5. Which ONE of the following best describes your role in the school system?