Welcome to our survey

You've Made Changes. 
That Matters. 

This survey will ask questions about your workplace as well as hiring and training. On October 8th, we'll bring businesses together to learn the results of this survey and share how communities can adapt. 

Additional Information
Survey Objective:

Due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic that continues to impact the London Economic Region's workforce and local economy, the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board is inviting local employers to complete a needs assessment survey to determine what community support they would need to bring employees back and to support the hiring of new employees as the economy opens post-COVID-19 pandemic.

The Employer Needs Assessment for Recovery survey is designed to collect information specific to the impact of COVID 19 on a range of workforce activities and issues including hiring plans, recruitment strategies, hard-to-fill positions, top skills and workforce challenges.
All information collected will be grouped together in a report and shared publicly for regional and local planning purposes.

Filling in the Employer Needs Assessment for Recovery survey:
Your business may receive the invitation to complete the needs assessment survey from more than one source, but it should be completed only once. You decide who's the most appropriate person in your organization to complete it.
When you have completed the survey, please ensure that you click "Done" to submit your answers.

The survey has been designed to protect your identity. All answers given will be treated in strict confidence and they will be used for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.
The findings from the survey will be available in a report posted on www.workforcedevelopment.ca and webinars will also be delivered to interested parties.

Need Help?
If at any point you require assistance, please contact Bashir with the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board at 519-672-3499 ext.102 or by email at bashir@workforcedevelopment.ca.
(If you would prefer to have someone ask you the questions directly, please contact our office (519-672-3499) and a team member will set up an appointment to review the survey with you at a convenient time!)
10% of survey complete.