
This survey aims to gather information which will assist with improving the quality and effectiveness of eating disorder services provided within the Western NSW Local Health District. We would like responses from people with eating disorders and carers of people with eating disorders, whether or not they have accessed local (or other) treatment or support services.
Your responses will be anonymous. While no questions are compulsory, the more information we receive, the better able we will be to further develop local services.
If you would like further information about this survey or eating disorder services within the WNSW LHD, please contact Meg Vickery, on (02) 63697951.

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* 1. In what town do you usually live (or what town do you live closest to)?

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* 2. People often seek help or advice in relation to eating disorders from a range of sources. Where was the first place you, or the person you care for, sought help or advice (please choose only one option)?

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* 3. If help was sought from a health professional, for example a GP or the Health Service, how long was it before assessment and treatment for the eating disorder was available/ provided?

If you, or the person you care for, have/ has not received health professional services for an eating disorder (options 5 or 6 in the previous question), please finish the survey here. Thank you very much for your responses.

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* 4. Where did you, or the person you care for, receive health professional services for the eating disorder (please choose all the options which are applicable)?

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* 5. In which town (or towns) were these services based (if applicable)?

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* 6. Who was involved in the eating disorder treatment for you, or the person you care for (please select all health professionals who were involved)?

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* 7. How far did you, and/ or the person you care for, have to travel for treatment?

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* 8. How confident are you that the treatment you, or the person you care for, received was appropriate?

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* 9. If more than one person provided treatment, do you feel that the communication between the health professionals was:

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* 10. Were people important to you or the person you care for (for example family, partner, carer, mentor) included in the treatment?

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* 11. If you answered no or partially to the previous question, would you have liked to have them included (or more included) in the treatment (or do you think that the person you care for would have liked to have had them included/ more included)?

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* 12. What were three things done well for you (or the person that you care for)?

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* 13. What were three things that you feel could have been done better?

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* 14. Please describe how you feel services for eating disorders in your area could be improved?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We appreciate your help as we continue to work to improve the services for eating disorders in the Western NSW LHD.