Early Voting

Early voting is coming to Newton and will be available for the first time for the State/Presidential General Election on November 8, 2016.  Early voting is now the law in Massachusetts for State General Elections only. 

What is early voting?  For two weeks before a State General Election, voters will be able to cast their ballots at Newton City Hall.  The Clerk’s Office will be open each day from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, and on Tuesday nights until 8:00 pm, for two weeks before the election.  Once an early voter has marked his or her ballot, the voter’s ballot will be held at the City Clerk’s Office until Election Day and then be distributed to the appropriate polling location for counting.

The advantage in early voting is that a voter will be able to vote his or her ballot on an expanded schedule and not be limited to voting just on Election Day. 

The City has a few options that it can exercise to make early voting more convenient and we hope that you will take 5 minutes to answer the following questions which will help us to decide which options to implement.

Question Title

* 1. Early voting will be available at Newton City Hall, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm and Tuesday nights until 8:00 pm from October 24, 2016 through November 4, 2016.  Voters can come to City Hall to vote their ballot during this time.

Will you take advantage of early voting at Newton City Hall during the City Clerk’s Office regular operating hours during the two weeks before the Election in 2016?