Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention

California’s Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention* is collecting information on the ability of families with children from birth to age 3 who receive Early Start services to obtain therapy through Medi-Cal or private insurance. The purpose of this survey is to inform decision makers and program advocates on the process involved for families using Medi-Cal or private insurance to receive therapy services for their child and potentially to  improve the process if appropriate. 

Please answer the following questions to help us in our efforts to improve access to services through Medi-Cal and private insurance. The results of this survey will be used only to assist in the evaluation of Early Start services and will not be used for any other reason.  Please do not add any personal or confidential information to the survey responses.

Question Title

* 3. Did your child(ren), age birth to 3, receive occupational therapy, physical therapy, mental health services, speech therapy and/or behavioral intervention through Medi-Cal and/or private insurance in the past 12 months?