Strengthening the Consumer Privacy practices is gaining momentum. California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (also known as "CCPA") is just the beginning of the journey that will lay down a series of practices and standards that will strengthen data protection for consumers, in general.

If you are a business that collects and/or determines the processing of personal information of consumers/household, you probably need to assess your readiness well in time to protect your business. We established a brief survey that can help you assess the readiness and maturity of your business to survive the new consumer privacy regulations.

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* This information would enable us to respond back to you with the final findings and will be kept confidential from the execution teams. Your answers will be completely anonymous and only analyzed in combination with other responses.

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* 1. Even if our business is not located in California, We are aware that companies both inside and outside of California will be affected by CCPA and it’s requirements.

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* 2. We are aware that CCPA extends protection to an individual who is a “resident of California” (not including a consumer residing temporarily or for transitory purpose) or a consumer “domiciled in California” but who may be outside the State for a temporary or transitory purpose.

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* 3. We updated our online privacy policy in last 12 months.

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* 4. We have assessed and understand all the requirements of CCPA.

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* 5. Our Privacy Policy meets all the disclosure requirements as defined by the CCPA.

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* 6. Our Privacy Policy adequately covers the essential Rights of the Protected Individuals (Right of Deletion / Erasure, Right to Opt-Out), as required by CCPA.

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* 7. We have identified all Data collection points in our organization and provided them with the training on the new requirements of CCPA.

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* 8. We make enough disclosures about the categories of personal information that we collect, and how the same is used by our business.

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* 9. We provide a “Do not sell my personal information” link at locations that are easily accessible to the consumers.

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* 10. We have a system of managing consumer requests, when they make a specific request relating to their personal information.

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* 11. We have defined procedures to handle personal information requests by the consumers.

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* 12. We have defined procedures to share personal information within the organization and to third parties.

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* 13. We have clearly identified how we are collecting the personal information (phone, email, surveys, forms etc.) as well as established the justification for collecting the data.

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* 14. We maintain a list of third parties\fourth parties from whom the data is either collected, sold or disclosed.

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* 15. We have adequate security and privacy controls for data at rest and in transit, within the organization.