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* 1. Please indicate your contact information

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* 2. My connection to GCCISD is primarily in the following category.

Below is a list of allowable uses of ESSER III funds. Please mark each area using the scale of:
One Star = low need
Two Stars = moderate need
Three Stars = high need

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* 3. Addressing student learning loss (i.e. afterschool programs, summer school, tutoring) among students, including low-income students, students with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care

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* 4. Prior costs associated with activities that were necessary to maintain operation of and continuity of services throughout the pandemic (i.e. delivery of instructional materials to homes, purchase of plexiglass desk shields, PPE and sanitization supplies, WIFI services for remote learning)

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* 5. Mental health interventions and support

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* 6. Retention of staff

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* 7. Professional development for staff to address learning loss

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* 8. Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean facilities and buses

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* 9. Technology (hardware, software and internet connectivity)

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* 10. Maintenance, repair, replacement and upgrade projects to improve indoor air quality and/or continuity of learning