Current practices and challenges in responding to cocaine and crack use and harms

A trendspotter study is a rapid information assessment that uses multiple social research methods to explore a topic of interest or concern. The approach has been used by the EMCDDA since 2011 to explore a range of drug-related topics and complements other routine drug monitoring methodologies.

The 2018 EMCDDA Trendspotter study will focus on recent changes in cocaine and crack cocaine markets across Europe and the challenges that services are facing as a result of these changes. 

This short survey focuses on current practices and challenges for European health professionals in responding to cocaine and crack use and harms.

Please ground your answers on your expert knowledge and opinion, on your professional expertise. Please answer as many questions as you are able and mark 'Don't know' where you are unable to comment.

Please feel free to forward the survey to any colleague/contact that you think would be able to answer.

Results from this survey will be integrated in the outputs of the study.

Participation in this survey should take around 15 minutes and is entirely voluntary. The deadline for answering is 16th May 2018.
The survey is anonymous, the data are kept confidential and no identifiable information will be collected.

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* 2. Please indicate your primary work area (choose one category - most relevant).

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* 3. Is your institution public or private?

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* 4. Please indicate your professional background (choose one category - most relevant).

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* 5. What are the main interventions (i.e. therapeutic modalities/medications/material) that you or your service provides to cocaine using clients/patients?

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* 6. What are the main interventions (i.e. therapeutic modalities/medications/material) that you or your service provides to crack using clients/patients?

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* 7. Please provide a short description of the profile of your main client groups that use cocaine or crack cocaine.

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* 8. Have you observed recent changes in the number of clients in your service reporting cocaine/crack-related use or problems?

If you have answered No change or Don’t know you can skip the following questions and go directly to question 11.

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* 9. These changes are primarily related to which substance?

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* 10. Have your services had to adapt to address these recent changes (e.g. training, staff, apply new or other methods, etc)?

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* 11. Do you feel that in your immediate professional environment, there are particular unmet needs, gaps or challenges to respond to cocaine/crack-related use or problems (such as training, guidelines, specific programmes, coordination between services, etc.)?

Thank you for taking this survey!