Dear Partners in Health,

Thank you for participating in the Speaking with One Voice: 9 Ways to Grow Healthy Colorado Kids webinar. Please take 5-10 minutes to help us understand your interest and potential use of the messages, messaging materials and resources described today. The survey will be open through November 13, 2015.

Thank you in advance for your time to complete this survey. If you have questions or comments, please contact Jennifer at or by phone 303-692-2462.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your role within your organization?

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* 2. Please indicate the type of organization you represent:

Question Title

* 3. Below are the 9 messages described today. Considering your role working with women, and men of reproductive age, pregnant women, infants and children ages 0-5, parents of young children, and families, how likely are you to deliver the following messages?

  Very Likely Likely Undecided Unlikely Very unlikely
Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy helps you have a healthy baby. Talk to your healthcare provider to find out how much weight gain is best for you and your baby.
Healthy eating and staying active while you are pregnant matters for you and your baby’s health.
Give yourself and your baby all the benefits of breastfeeding.
Rethink your drink – choose water! Extra calories from sugar sweetened beverages may lead to weight gain.
Trust your baby to know how much he needs to eat. Your baby will show you cues of hunger and fullness and will trust you to respond.
Give your child nutritious food and active play for a healthy future.
Turn off the TV and play together as a family.
Help your child sleep better in a TV-free space.
There’s no power like Parent Power! Eat well and move more to care for yourself and your family.

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* 4. If you answered unlikely or very unlikely for any of the messages, please describe why you are unlikely to deliver the message.

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* 5. If you selected undecided, likely, very likely, select all the populations you might target with the messages?

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* 6. How likely are you to integrate the messages into the following activities?

  Very likely Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely Not applicable - I don't incorporate this activity into my work.
Incorporating messages into facilitated group discussions and interactive classes
Using the messages in counseling sessions/clinical visits
Enhancing or creating a social marketing campaign featuring the messages
Collaborating with others to maximize message impact
Building the messages into parent education
Getting parents involved in their child’s health

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* 7. Who are potential partners you could/might collaborate with to further spread the messages to encourage speaking with one voice?

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* 8. Are you considering signing up to participate in the rollout campaign?

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* 9. Please share other comments you have about the 9 Ways to Grow Healthy Colorado Kids webinar or messages.