Roundtable Survey

This is a Survey to get your Feedback on attending Roundtables -- this is both for those who have attended Roundtables, and for those who have not attended.

Roundtable is an opportunity for any adult leader or parent to (1) learn about new activities and opportunities and skills for Scouting meetings and events, (2) ask questions, get answers and share ideas and with other leaders, and (3) have some fellowship with other leaders.

So, what would YOU like to learn about or talk about with other leaders?

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1. First . . .

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2. What kind of Unit are you involved with as a parent or leader?  Check all that apply.

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3. My unit leadership role, if I have one, is (select all that apply):

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4. If you have attended a Roundtable before, what are the most important things you liked about it -- or what would you be the most important things to have in a Roundtable in the future? Rate how important each is, or tell us to stop!

  Most Important Maybe (Depends on Topic) Stop Doing This
Announcements About Activities
Hands On Activities
Picking Up Paper Flyers
Discussion with Other Leaders
Learning Scout Skills
Bite Sized Training
Tell Me Exactly What I Need to Do
Tell Me What My Choices Are
Answer My Questions

Question Title

5. Tell us about Roundtables over the past year ... were they good or bad ... did you attend?

  Good Fair Poor Don't know ... Didn't Attend
September 2015 Casual Open Question Time
July 2015 Recruiting Tools Refresher
May 2015 Casual Open Question Time and Twilight Camp Promo
April 2015 Recruiting Tools and Activities Planning
March 2015 Advancement Update by George Fenn
February 2015 Hands on Adult Pinewood Derby
January 2015 Presentation on New Cub Scout Advancement Program
December 2014 Holiday Social
November 2014 Charter Turn in and Casual Open Question Time
October 2014 YPT Training and Charter Renewal Training
September 2014 Casual Open Question Time
August 2014 Promos of Bike Rodeo, Fun Fair, Cub 'n' Camp o Ree

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6. If you have not attended Roundtable, or not recently, what are the reasons why you do not attend? Check all that apply.

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7. Let me rate some things that could be done at Roundtable, and tell you how much I'd like to do that . . . I'll rank each topic.

  Wow. I want to do that. Maybe Don't. You can't Make Me.
Discussing where to go camping
Boy Scout Skills
Announcements about Upcoming Events
How to sell Popcorn / Camp Cards
Friends of Scouting
Knots and Lashings
Science / STEM Projects for Scouts
How to Engage Parents
Troop Planning (Boy Led Troop)
Day Trips for Cub Scouts
How to Use Internet Advancement
How to Do Recharter, A to Z

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8. Who Should Lead Roundtable ... list as many names as you like.

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9. Where should Roundtable be ... list as many places as you like.

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10. Here's what I can contribute at Roundtable . . .

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11. What Time of Evening is best for you to Attend Roundtable?

  Too Early OK Too Late

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12. Thank you for your responses. Please let us know if you have any other questions or comments about roundtable, put them below, or email with your comments.