Audition Signups for the Mutual Aides Ensemble

YOU can be a Mutual Aide by contributing something valuable you've learned or
observed—or even wondered—as an emergency manager. Complete this survey
to audition for the Mutual Aides Ensemble. If selected and present, you'll get a $25 gift card.

Here's the Concert Program:
4 min: The day's theme and musicians
     (setting the stage; Ten Steps review; band intro's; strict time limits)
28 mins: Up to four solo performances
     (the salient points shared in 7-9 minutes or less)
24 mins: Audience interaction
     (people can ask you to elaborate more)
4 mins: Wrapup

For each Third Thursday you are selected you will be required to
show up for band practice one half hour before the
program that will start at 11aP | 12pM | 1pC | 2pE
— so check your calendar before submitting.

Summarize in one to three sentences what you would like to share for any session listed below. Leave blank any you do not wish to commit to. You can submit for one or more months. If more than four entries are submitted for a given month, Bandleader Troy will pick from among them. 

This webinar series is for practitioner sharing of practical ideas. Vendor submissions may be considered to present only on non-commercial proven practices.

Be creative—don't be limited by the prompting questions that are there just to illustrate some possible considerations. You might want to read the "Ideal Conditions" for each of the Ten Steps and their related Topics.

Question Title

* Jan 2017: Session 0. Foundation & 1. Obligations - Planning Basics
How can you bring your execs on board? How can you hammer out your scope and objectives? What size team works best? Who should be represented? How often should they meet? What keeps the team productive and on task?

Question Title

* Feb: Session 2. Impacts - Hazard Assessment Models & Methods
What factors are most important? How do you identify candidate threats? What scales do you apply?

Question Title

* Mar: Session 3. Strategies - BCP: Deep Dive or Pareto Plan (80/20) OR other Topics in this Step
What software works great for you? How do you maintain your plans? Who fills in the blanks? How do you get institutional or departmental buy-in? Should BCPs be thorough and exhaustive, or should they be basic, or somewhere in between? The Topics for Step 3 include: Prevention; Advance Mitigation; Preparedness; Response; Damage Mitigation; Continuity; Recovery; Reimbursement

Question Title

* Apr: Session 4. Implementation - Key Policies; or ICS general vs specific; or Agency Relations
What policies must be in place before a major disruption? Should people be trained for specific ICS roles, or should they be trained for all roles and then jump into the one needed upon arrival? How do you best foster agency relationships?

Question Title

* May: Session 5. Competence - Effective Training
How often should you train? How deep should you train? What methods are effective? What's a good record-keeping method?

Question Title

* Jun: Session 6. Communications - Demystifying the TW & EN Interplay
How do you best practice distinguishing Timely Warnings from Emergency Notifications? What is your best solution for getting great messages out quickly? How can social media be an effective part of your comm plan?

Question Title

* Jul: Session 7. Resources - Cash Flow Considerations
How do you maintain a cash cache that can be quickly released yet remains safe awaiting the need? Have you experienced managing procurement card credit and authority levels in a disaster? What else can you offer on tracking/maintaining your staffing, supplies, EOCs or emergency funding?

Question Title

* Aug: Session 8. Evaluation - Are Full Scale Exercises Worth the Effort?
Some have said No. Some insist Yes. What's your take on this, and why?

Question Title

* Sep: Session 9. Enhancement - Grappling with the Ideal vs the Actual
How do you decide that your plan, or any aspect of it, is "good enough"? What method works for you to incrementally enhance your plan? How do you prevent "plan creep"?

Question Title

* Oct: Session X. Potpourri - Things of General Amazement
What do you have to say that doesn't seem to fit above? (This month might also be the pressure-release valve for great ideas submitted above that we just didn't have room for in the designated month.)

Question Title

* Gotta know who you are and how to reach you...

Looking forward to riffing with you!