On Saturday, June 13th the Long Beach UPLAN team hosted a walk audit of Del Amo Boulevard to analyze and discuss existing street conditions and desired improvements along major North Long Beach corridors. This effort will help inform future City projects and zoning recommendations. For those that were unable to attend, this self-guided virtual walk audit and survey allows participants to submit their feedback and recommendations for North Long Beach. For more information about UPLAN, visit the UPLAN website.

Survey Instructions:

Click here to access the Google Earth walk audit route. To start the audit, click on the “Present” button in Google Earth, then cycle through each stop on the route by clicking on the <> indicators at the bottom left of the screen. Each of the following questions in the survey is numbered according to its corresponding stop in the Google Earth route. The survey questions and prompt for each stop will also be shown in a text box on the top right of the Google Earth display. At each stop, feel free to zoom in and out, change between street view and aerial view, and look around the area using the Google Earth controls on the bottom right. To return to the original stop viewpoint on the Google Earth route, simply click on the next stop and then click back to reset the layout.

Question Title

* Contact Information

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* How would you describe yourself? For our purposes North Long Beach is defined as the 90805 zip code (Check all that apply)

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* 1. Route 1: Del Amo Blvd.

This route takes us along Del Amo Blvd from Atlantic Ave to the Metro A-Line Station. We'll notice how wide the street is, connections to trails, barriers near the freeway, and how you can directly access the A-Line station by walking or biking.

As we walk along Del Amo Blvd, we want you to consider all of the opportunities and issues along the route. How do you usually travel along this corridor? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. Atlantic Ave, near Scherer Park

We will start at this large, typical intersection. Scherer Park is at this intersection- do you come to this park? If you walk here, what's it like to cross at this intersection?

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* 3. Atlantic Ave: Biking Improvements

This intersection has 3 lanes in each direction, it’s signalized, has transit, and there are bike lanes on Atlantic Ave. We can see someone biking here, but how can we create a better biking environment?

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* 4. Atlantic Ave: Pedestrian Improvements

There is a pedestrian refuge at this median. Do you feel comfortable waiting on this refuge given how narrow it is? Is this a treatment you’d like to see other places?

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* 5. Virginia Ave Walking:

What pedestrian improvements are needed in this area, ie what would make it feel more comfortable or safe to walk along this part of Del Amo? Do we need shade, wider sidewalks, slower traffic? The sidewalks along Del Amo are around 7 feet wide, and the city's mobility element calls out a desired width of 10'-13' for sidewalks on a boulevard.

Biking: How would you benefit from a direct bike route to the station? What type of bike route should that be? Would you trade parking or a travel lane for a safer bike facility?

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* 6. Daisy Ave Walking:

What issues do you see here today for people walking? Do you think cars yield to people crossing the street? Do you notice cars speeding on Del Amo Blvd.?

Access to Metro Station: At this point, we're about a mile away from the Del Amo A Line Station, but you need to cross the LA river and the 710. Would you feel safe on this walk? What improvements could be made?

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* 7. Daisy Ave: Bus Stop

Does anyone take the bus (line 191) on Del Amo Blvd? Do you feel that the stops are convenient and offer what you need while waiting for the bus?

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* 8. Oregon Ave: Molina Park

Have you visited this park? Do you think it’s well utilized?

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* 9. Oregon Ave: Curb Extension

This is an example of how a new development can lead to streetscape improvements. What other kinds of small-scale improvements would you like to see along this corridor?

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* 10. Connections to Trails

How important are these connections along this route? Do these connections encourage more people to bike?

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* 11. Connections to Trails

How do you think bike riders can enter these routes from the street?

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* 12. Compton Creek Bike Trail

How comfortable are connections to this path? Can you bike across Del Amo Blvd and connect to the other side?

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* 13. Compton Creek Bike Trail

If you could complete a trip from your house, along a separated path, and get to the Del Amo A Line Station without sharing space with cars, would it encourage you to walk or bike more?

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* 14. Freeway Entrances

Notice the sidewalks disappear in this area. What are some ways to increase awareness and visibility for people walking and biking around freeway onramps and offramps?

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* 15. Freeway Offramp

Does Del Amo Blvd have enough street lighting? How does it feel to walk on the street at night? Would you feel safe navigating around this freeway offramp as a pedestrian?

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* 16. Freeway Underpass

The Del Amo station is up ahead, and it's less than half a mile from the LA River and 0.2 miles from the Compton Creek Bike trail. Do you think this underpass would feel safe or comfortable to walk or bike through? How could we make this underpass a friendlier and safer walking and biking environment? Would removing a lane for cars to widen the sidewalk or adding a bike lane help?

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* 17. Del Amo Station

We're now at the entrance to Del Amo Station. Did this feel like a pedestrian or bicyclist-friendly route? Does anyone here use the A Line? Do you access it via Del Amo or a different station? If the buses came more often, would you be more likely to use the Del Amo station?

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* 18. Final Thoughts

Is there anything else that we didn’t ask about that you think is important about this route or area?