This survey is intended to prompt discussion about your experiences at each stage of the disability journey. Your input may help others just starting to find their way through the sometimes-overwhelming path to services and support. Help us identify other unmet needs in our community and build more independence and inclusivity for people with disabilities.

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* 1. Diagnosis:
What challenges did you face finding services after initial diagnosis? What tools made the process easier? What additional tools would you recommend?

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* 2. Education:
What challenges have you experienced establishing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan for a student with disabilities? What classroom accommodations are most helpful? What would improve student preparation to successfully transition from school to work or post-secondary education?

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* 3. Post-Graduation:
As a student with disabilities prepares to graduate, what challenges do they face transitioning to life outside the school system? What tools would help them maintain access to needed services?

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* 4. Employment:
What barriers do people with disabilities experience when seeking and retaining a job? What resources would give people with disabilities access to more employment opportunities?

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* 5. Independent living:
When someone with a disability seeks housing, what resources would help them? What tools would help them live independently and be a good tenant?

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* 6. Inclusion in the Community:
What barriers to inclusion do people with disabilities face regarding community events? What resources are needed to allow people with disabilities to become more involved in their community?

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* 7. Other thoughts you’d like to share:
What parts of your disability journey have you found most frustrating or joyous? What would you like to see Entrust do for people with disabilities in your community? Which option do you prefer?

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* 8. Optional – What are your overall perceptions about our organizational name “Entrust?”

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* 9. Optional - Why is or isn’t the name Entrust a good representation of your experiences with our organization?

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* 10. Do you have other thoughts or concerns to share with our leadership team?

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Thank you for your input!

Below are some examples of feedback we’ve received at similar sessions and how we’ve addressed those issues:

Entrust now has a fleet of over 40 vehicles to help clients get to and from jobs, attend community events, and participate in activities of daily living.

Community Access:
Entrust has committed to creating and sponsoring events and activities that encourage participation from people both with and without disabilities to break down barriers and promote inclusivity.

Language Barriers:
Entrust actively hires bilingual employees to encourage better access for bilingual and monolingual individuals with disabilities in our community. Nearly 1/3 of our staff is biliterate.

Lack of System Navigation Services:
Entrust recently built a navigation program and hired a navigation specialist to help individuals with disabilities find and access services in our community.

Past listening sessions have also produced the following list of unmet needs we are working to address:
  • Assistive technology, equipment, and supplies
  • Daily essential items – interview clothes, toiletries, etc.
  • Funds to pay for activities
  • Community networking
  • Crisis Services – including respite, behavioral consultation, etc.
  • Employment, housing, and inclusion services in unserved and underserved areas
  • Respite services
  • Natural supports
  • Life skills courses
  • Post-secondary education access and access to transition services for high school students
  • Widespread transportation services
  • Access to health care assistance
  • Start-up costs for housing – first/last month’s rent, deposit, etc.