IGLYO — The International LGBTQI Youth & Student Organisation is the world’s largest LGBTQI Youth and Student member-based organisation, counting more than 125 Member Organisations in 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region.

IGLYO’s mission is to advance the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices through international training and events, thematic research and advocacy campaigns, online tools and resources, networking activities, and more.

IGLYO is excited to announce the opening of the third edition of its IGLYO Grants Programme, or “Financial Support to Third Parties”, as funded by the CERV Programme 2021-2027 of the European Commission.

This grant scheme is open only to IGLYO Member Organisations who have already been ratified at a General Assembly and are registered in European Union Member States. The reason why the IGLYO Grants Programme 2025 is only open to IGLYO Member Organisations based in the EU is because this project is funded by the European Commission. IGLYO acknowledges that a large part of its membership is based outside of the EU, and we are therefore working to find ways to receive funding from other sources for this programme, and extend the Grants Programme beyond the EU in the future.

Through this call, IGLYO’s Member Organisations registered in the EU are invited to submit simple concept proposals for projects in one of the three streams described below. If your project is pre-selected by IGLYO, you will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal. After this second round of applications, IGLYO will select five projects (between 1 and 3 per stream).

The proposals can be for initiatives or activities complementing other projects that the organisations already implement.

Before applying through the form below, read carefully the Open Call and the Terms and Conditions. The deadline to submit the form for the first stage of the application process is 9 March 2025 at 23:59 CET.

If you have any questions, please write an email to Viola, IGLYO’s Programmes Manager Viola (She/her), at viola@iglyo.org.

Good luck!
About your organisation

Question Title

* 1. Your organisation

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* 2. Do you certify your organisation is a ratified Member of IGLYO based in the EU?
Please note that only ratified IGLYO Member Organisations based in the EU are eligible to apply. Organisations that were pre-approved by the Board but that have not yet been ratified at an IGLYO General Assembly are not eligible. If you are unsure whether your organisation is a Member or whether you are ratified,
please refer to our Members’ list or contact our Communications & Network Officer at toryn@iglyo.com.

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* 4. Your name
Who is filling out this form?

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* 5. Your pronouns.
E.g. She/her, They/them, He/They, etc.

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* 6. Your email address
We will use it to communicate the selection results.

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* 7. Repeat your email address

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* 8. Your phone number
It can be your personal phone number or the one of your organisation. We will use it if we cannot reach you via email

For the 2025 IGLYO Grants Programme, we want to focus on supporting smaller, newer, grassroots NGOs by and for queer youth. Moreover, we will prioritise organisations which predominantly work with and for BIPOC queer people or that include a specific anti-racist angle in their project. We are asking some questions regarding your organisation to make sure you fit into this target group.

Question Title

* 9. Describe your organisation
What is the main focus of your organisation? What is your mission? What are your main activities? What are you known for?

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* 10. Do you have paid staff?

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* 11. Are you a volunteer-based organisation?
(i.e. volunteers perform the great majority of the tasks necessary to run the organisation)

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* 12. When was your organisation officially registered as a legal entity?

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* 13. What is the gross annual income of your organisation?
I.e. the gross annual income for your organisation of the last full calendar year (public and private funding, grants, donations, sponsorships, registration and membership fees, etc.).

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* 14. Please list the grants above 5,000€ that you received in the past two years
Please list the grants in chronological order from the most recent to the least recent, and include the year of the award, the duration, the amount granted and the donor.

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* 15. Can you describe your organisational leadership? Do you have BIPOC people or other intersectional minorities represented in it?

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Colour and has been used as a commonplace term to group together diverse and different communities that may not necessarily have anything in common other than a shared yet unique experience of discrimination along ethnic, racial, and/or colonial axis of domination, and that the use of such term isn't meant to erase the richness of racial and ethnic diversity but to refer to individuals and communities affected by racism, colorism, and/or xenophobia when considering large-scale phenomena and structures of power.

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* 16. Can you describe your target group? Do you run activities specifically aimed to and led by BIPOC people or other intersectional minorities?

About your IGLYO Grants 2025 project
In this part of the application, we will ask you about the project that you are planning to implement under this Programme. Try to be clear and exhaustive but concise.

Remember that the assessment criteria for your proposal are the following:
  • Quality of the proposal: is the concept note submitted in line with the instructions given in the application pack? Is the concept note logical, clear and complete?
  • Relevance of the proposal for the stream chosen: is the project in line with the objectives and expected results of the stream?
  • Impact at the local and/or national level: what is the potential impact of the project proposed on the community, membership and target audience of the member organisation?
  • Benefit for the NGO: how much will the grantee benefit, in the short, medium and long term, from participating in the programme?
  • Feasibility of the project: is it realistic to implement the project proposed within seven months and with a budget of €10,000?
  • Grassroots character: if the project targets a specific group, are people of that group involved in the organisation and in the design and implementation of the project?
  • Intersectionality and anti-racist approach: does the organisation and/or the project take an intersectional perspective? In particular, does the organisation work with and for BIPOC people? Does the project address racial discrimination along with LGBTQI+ issues?

Question Title

* 17. Which thematic stream are you applying for?
The project proposed needs to be in line with one of those three thematic priorities.

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* 18. If you chose Stream 2 (Policy, Advocacy and Research), which topic will you address?

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* 19. Which of the following activities are included in your proposal?
The main activities of your project should fall into the categories below. You can choose as many categories as you need.

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* 20. What is the goal and the objectives of your project?

Goal = what do you want to achieve with this project? E.g. Make schools in my city more inclusive for trans and gender non-conforming kids.

Objectives = which measurable actions/steps you need to complete to achieve the overall goal? E.g. By September 2024, train 200 teachers on inclusive practices.

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* 21. Describe the concrete activities you will implement to achieve the overall goal and specific objectives.
Please list activities in chronological order and indicate the duration and timeline of each activity.

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* 22. Describe your target group.
Who will benefit from your project? Who will you engage through this project? Who will you reach through this project?

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* 23. If you chose stream 3 (Anti-racism), which mechanisms will you put in place to ensure that your project is not tokenistic?
Tokenism refers to the practice of making only a symbolic effort towards inclusivity or diversity, often by including a few individuals from underrepresented groups to give the appearance of diversity to fulfil a quota or to provide the illusion of inclusivity without truly addressing systemic inequalities. Tokenism can also manifest in other ways, such as organising occasional events, posting performative content or seasonal collaborations, without enacting meaningful change or addressing the underlying issues of inequality.

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* 24. Describe the impact of this project on your organisation, your community, and society at large.
What positive change in your organisation, community and society do you expect from this project?

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* 25. Describe your team and your decision-making processes.
Who will help you in organising the activities of this project? What is their profile? How will you take decisions regarding the project within the team?