Cavernous Malformation Canada Peer Support Survey

Peer Support Needs Assessment

Peer support is a supportive relationship between individuals who share similar life experiences. It involves helping to navigate through challenges, meeting needs within a complex system, sharing valuable resources and forming a meaningful connection to support one's journey and recovery. Cavernous Malformation Canada is seeking your input on what you would like from a peer support program. Your responses will be kept anonymous, and no identifying information is collected.
Please note peer support is not intended to provide or replace professional medical or psychological support
1.Please check the box that applies to you
2.If you would like to receive 1:1 peer support what would be important to you? Select all that apply
3.If you were to receive peer support services would you want it to be:
4.If you were to receive support from a peer support program how long would you like to receive support?
5.If you are interested in a peer support group, what types of topics would you be interested in? Please select all that apply:
6.Are there any barriers that you envision facing when trying to access peer support services. Please share:
7.Please feel free to share any comments or suggestions about peer support