We're Listening to What You Have to Say —

This survey is about online access to legislative information. Your feedback helps to improve the public's access to legislative information.  Feedback received from folks like you has produced meaningful improvements to this website.  Prior feedback resulted in email alerts for bills and committee meetings, improved access to legislative video hearings, and up-to-date committee schedules. We want to hear more.

Please add your constructive thoughts to help improve public access to the Legislative Website and Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS).

Your time and effort is very much appreciated.
Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. How often do you visit the Oregon State Legislative Website or OLIS?

  Looking for Live or Archived Meeting Videos?
The Legislative Audio and Video page lists live video and archived videos for this and previous sessions.  Try it today!

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following best describe you as a user of the Oregon State Legislative Website or OLIS?

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us the information and services you use on the Oregon Legislative Website and OLIS?
Select all that apply.

  Looking for Which Legislators Represent You?
Try the Find My Legislator page - simply enter your complete address, hit "Go".

Question Title

* 4. Please tell us what information, service, or feature you would like to see on the legislative websites in the future.

Question Title

* 5. Please tell us which content or features you find most helpful on the Oregon State Legislative Website or OLIS?

  Stay Informed and Follow Bills You Care About With Email Updates
Subscribe to receive bill updates with Capitol e-Subscribe. Receive email updates as bills you care about move through the legislative process.  You can also subscribe to receive updates for committees, legislator news and employment.  Subscribe today!

Question Title

* 6. Technically speaking, please tell us your overall satisfaction with legislative information on the Oregon State Legislature's Websites.

Question Title

We appreciate your time and feedback as we strive to provide information that's accurate and always up-to-date.
 After you add your feedback your browser will go back to the Legislative Website.

We appreciate your time and feedback as we strive to provide information that's accurate and always up-to-date.<br>    <br><em> After you add your feedback your browser will go back to the Legislative Website.<br>    </em>