As the designated Protection and Advocacy System and Client Assistance Program for the State of Arkansas, Disability Rights Arkansas, Inc. (DRA) works to protect the civil rights of persons with disabilities statewide.  Every year, we solicit public input from people  with disabilities, their family and friends, service providers, and other interested parties to determine what the needs are and whether our current priorities are targeting those needs.  The priorities DRA has worked on in 2018 can be found here: FY2019 DRA Priorities and Objectives DRA welcomes input in any manner individuals wish to provide it. If you would like to fax or mail the survey, you can fax it to 501-296-1779 or mail/deliver it to: Disability Rights Arkansas, 400 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1200, Little Rock, AR 72201. You are welcome to call DRA (1.800.482.1174 or 501.296.1775) or email us at: info@disabilityrightsar.org. A link to this survey is also available on DRA's website, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.

Question Title

* 1. I am a (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. Please tell us which county you live in:

Question Title

* 3. I think DRA should work on the following priorities:

Question Title

* 4. I feel strongly that DRA needs to work on: