
Dear Bosque Parents & Guardians, 

Feedback is a critically important element of any healthy organization. I am hoping for your help in providing your perspective on how this past school year has gone, by completing Bosque School's 2019/2020 Family Satisfaction Survey. It should take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please know that your responses will be confidential and your candid responses are very appreciated. Your feedback provides the school with very important  information to help us improve the school and our programs. I will share the broad themes of this survey with all current parents and guardians in the fall. 

A DIFFERENT survey, focussed on your experience and feedback on remote teaching and learning, was shared by email on 5/13. Feedback to both surveys is incredibly important to us.  Please focus your feedback in THIS survey to your experience prior to the school shifting to remote teaching and learning (which commenced on 3/16/20).

I am grateful for your time and insight on this.

All the best,

Jessie Barrie, PhD.
Head of School

Question Title

* 2. What grade(s) did your child(ren) complete for the 2019-2020 Academic Year?

Question Title

* 4. PRIOR to the shift to remote teaching & learning due to COVID-19, overall, how satisfied were you with the 2019-2020 school year?

Question Title

* 5. I would recommend Bosque to a friend or colleague

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.