The Dorothy Ley Award of Excellence recognizes outstanding achievement in the true spirit of hospice palliative care. The award is presented annually in recognition of an individual or team effort to advance and improve the quality of palliative and end-of-life care.

  • The nominee (individual or team) will have been involved in the field of hospice palliative care in Ontario for at least five (5) years 
  • Membership in Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) is not a requirement 
Award Criteria
  • The nominee will exemplify excellence in hospice palliative care as a professional health care provider, volunteer, or team
  • The nominee will have enhanced the quality of life for persons and families facing life-threatening illness and/or chronic progressive disease through involvement in the principal activities defined in the Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Service to Persons and Families; education; research; and advocacy

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* 1. Nominator Contact Information

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* 2. Nominee Contact Information

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* 3. Please describe how the nominee's impacts direct service to persons and families

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* 4. Please describe the nominee's Involvement in the development of hospice palliative care programs/services (include participation on local, regional, provincial, and national committees/organizations related to service delivery)

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* 5. Please describe the nominee's involvement in palliative care education (include evidence of involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of education programs in hospice palliative care; local, regional, provincial, national) as well as mentorship and role modelling

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* 6. Please describe the nominee's involvement in hospice palliative care research (include documentation related to the applicant's involvement in research projects)

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* 7. Please describe how the nominee incorporates evidence of best practice guidelines and standards (Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care)

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* 8. Please describe the nominee's involvement in hospice palliative care advocacy (include local, regional, provincial, and national efforts)

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* 9. In no more than 300 words please express why this nominee is deserving of this award. NOTE: No CV's please.

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* 10. This nomination is supported by the following three individuals (one of whom must be a current member of HPCO)

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* 11. Is the first nominator a member of HPCO?

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* 12. Is the second nominator a member of HPCO?

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* 13. Is the thirdnominator a member of HPCO?