Dementia Training for Care Transitions Coaches |
Welcome to the dementia training module compiled by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services for Care Transitions Coaches! We have identified quality training resources that are publicly available and have used them to create a module. The module has been designed to help better prepare you for interactions with clients who have dementia and their caregivers. Website links have been interspersed throughout the module, which will direct you to the training materials. All links will open in a new window. After you review the training materials please answer the companion questions. Once you complete and submit the module your answers will be reviewed for accuracy. A score of 80% will be required to earn a Certificate of Completion and you have three attempts. Once you earn a passing score a Certificate of Completion will sent be sent by email within 15 business days. This module will take approximately 3 hours to complete, but this may vary by individual.
Any questions about this training module can be directed to George Worthington, Dementia Services Coordinator, at the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (George.Worthington@dars.virginia.gov or 804-662-9154).
Thank you for your participation! We appreciate all you do to serve the citizens of Virginia!