
Question Title

The Township of Wilmot is pleased to be launching its first ever Arts & Culture Master Plan and we want to hear from you!  

What is the Arts & Culture Master Plan? The Plan is a guide for supporting arts, culture and heritage related interests in the Township of Wilmot. The firm of TCI Management Consultants, specialists in municipal arts and culture planning, has been retained to work with Township staff on the development of this Plan.

How can you help? Complete the survey below. Our main objective is to encourage all residents, community and business leaders of Wilmot to fill out this short survey, attend information meetings as they arise and to let us know your thoughts about Wilmot's arts and culture scene. We hope to reach as many residents as possible so please share this link.

Your contribution to Wilmot's Arts & Culture Master Plan is important.  Your feedback will help us support and grow the arts and culture scene in Wilmot. 

The survey itself  will only take you 5 – 10 minutes to complete.  As a thank you for your participation, we will be holding a random draw for a Wilmot prize basket valued at over $200. To be eligible, you will need to complete the survey and provide us with your contact information. The survey is confidential and your personal information will not be kept after the draw. The survey will be up until October 15, 2017.  Once you have started the survey, please continue until the end, otherwise the responses will need to be reentered.

This is an exciting step forward for Wilmot, and I thank you in advance for your participation.  Should you have any questions about this, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tracy Loch

Township of Wilmot
(519) 634-8444
If you wish, take a peek at this two minute video that we made here in Wilmot featuring local residents to see what people of Wilmot Township have to say about our vibrant arts and culture scene... click on the video below (but please remember to complete the survey!)