Question Title

* 1. After this session, please rate how your level of confidence changed.

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* 2. Based on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Care what percent of patients with diabetes meet targets for HgA1C, blood pressure, lipid control and not smoking?

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* 3. Testing for prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes in asymptomatic people should be considered in adults of any age who are overweight or obese and who have additional risk factors for diabetes?

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* 4. When elevated HgA1C has demonstrated to have high specificity for the diagnosis of diabetes, however, when normal the sensitivity has been poor compared to oral glucose tolerance testing.

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* 5. Which class of diabetes management agents has been demonstrated to have the least percent of monotherapy treatment failure over a 5 year period?

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* 6. U500 Regular insulin is indicated for use in patients with diabetes who demonstrate inadequate control when using a total daily insulin dose of U100 insulin of ______ units.

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* 7. Current ADA Standards of Care recommend which therapies be considered when the cost of therapy is a major issue and lifestyle has been inadequate.