Demographic Information

This survey is designed to assess the educational needs of people who work with immunization information systems (IIS). The results of this survey will help guide the educational activities of AIRA throughout the next two years. Please have as many staff as possible with an IIS, immunization or programmatic role complete this survey. We benefit from having multiple responses from the same awardee/organization/company.

This survey should take approximately 20 minutes, and we are asking to receive feedback by the end of the day on Friday, April 19.

Question Title

1. Please enter your contact information below.

Question Title

2. Awardee/Organization/Company

Question Title

3. Affiliation/Role

Question Title

4. Average percentage of time spent on IIS activities?

Question Title

5. How many years have you worked with IIS?

Question Title

6. What is your content area of focus?
(Please select the content area that is your primary focus.)

8% of survey complete.