Climate Literacy Survey |
Welcome to the Climate Literacy Survey!
This survey will take between 5 and 8 minutes to complete.
Why are we collecting anonymous data on climate literacy?
The Climate Literacy Survey aims to conduct research to understand the level of climate literacy (understanding of the Earth's climate and the impact of global warming), amongst those leaving secondary education. This survey is therefore for year 11 (England and Wales), year 12 (N. Ireland) and S4(Scotland) students.
We want to track the impact of changes to the curriculum and the way climate change is taught. We can only do this effectively if we know certain information about you - current secondary school students.
How are we collecting this anonymous data, and who will see it?
We are using SurveyMonkey to collect this information. There is no way to identify any individual respondents either in the data within SurveyMonkey or any analysis performed. Your data will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. As an additional measure, we won’t report data for any groups smaller than 10 people - this may mean we need to combine categories with smaller numbers where appropriate, or that we cannot report for certain groups yet.
The results will be analysed and we will publish an overview of the data on the web pages of the Society.
What information are we asking you to share anonymously with us?
We are asking you to answer 4 questions about yourself and 2 about the school you attend. You may ask for help from your teacher about the school questions.
All 10 questions after that will be climate related questions. You will not receive feedback from your survey, or be informed what the right or wrong answers are, so please answer honestly. These should be done on your own and without referring to any online or other sources. Your teacher won't be told whether you got the answers right or wrong either.
By continuing with this survey you agree to RMetS using any information you provide as described above.