Welcome to our safety survey.

Have you noticed an area that concerns you when driving, bicycling, or walking? Have you thought someone should know about that traffic problem?
The Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG), MetroPlan, and Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) need your input. Help improve traffic safety in your community by pinpointing worrisome areas and unsafe travel behaviors you have witnessed.

Question Title

* 1. Primarily, I'm responding as a ...

Question Title

* 2. How frequently have you observed drivers doing the following?

  Never Occasionally Often
Impaired driving, walking, or biking 
Distracted driving, walking, or biking (such as texting or talking on cell phone, eating, etc)
Not stopping completely at stop signs
Not stopping at crosswalks 
Not crossing at crosswalks 
Riding their bike against traffic
Not yielding to other vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians
Speeding or passing in school zones
Illegal/unsafe turns
Tailgating/following too closely
Failing to use turn signal
Not stopping for a red light
Passing illegally (hill or curve, across double yellow line, a stopped school bus picking up children)
Driving too slowly
Not wearing seat belts