Question Title

* Please complete your contact information:

Please select the relevant topic from the lists below:

Question Title

* Tax

Question Title

* Insolvency

Question Title

* Other

Question Title


Supporting information - please provide as much detail as possible to ensure appropriate allocation:

(If you need to attach additional information, please email the attachments to

Question Title

* Time frame for response:

Please highlight a realistic time frame that will enable us to provide advice within a suitable and timely manner. Please note given conflicting demands with our senior personnel, we will endeavour to respond to you within the nominated time frame. If you require an urgent response, please contact us via or 03 8610 5477.
What will it cost?

We are happy to answer your queries and there is no charge if the time required to respond to the query takes 10 minutes or less. Should the query require more than 10 minutes to respond we will provide an estimate of the costs for approval and authorisation before proceeding with the assignment.

Please note that for insolvency related queries, CPN members will not be charged for the enquiry and you are still encouraged to call or email any of the insolvency partners for advice.
What happens next?

Upon receipt of this form, the appropriate specialist will be contacted to deal with your query. Advice regarding our ability to respond in the requested time frame will be provided as soon as possible.