Personal Reference Form

You have been selected as a reference by an individual applying for employment at Covenant Point Bible Camp, owned and operated by the Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. We are looking for mature, hard working, trustworthy, Christian applicants who will be positive role models for campers of all ages. Your honest appraisal is necessary to help us evaluate the applicant's qualifications and abilities. All comments are confidential. A representative from Covenant Point may call you to confirm the reference. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Covenant Point Bible Camp at (906) 265-2117. Learn more about Covenant Point at

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* 1. Applicant Name:

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* 2. Please share information about yourself.

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* 3. How long have you known the applicant?

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* 4. What is your relationship to the applicant?

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* 5. Please rate the applicant in the following areas relative to others at a similar level of development. Skip areas you don't feel qualified to evaluate. 

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Self Starter --
10 Procrastinates
1 Independent Thinker --
10 Needs Instruction
1 Takes Charge --
10 Usually Follows
1 Adapts Well --
10 Struggles with Changing Circumstances
1 Sought Out by Others --
10 Avoided by Others
1 Socially Adept --
10 Socially Awkward
1 Brings Unity --
10 Divisive
Personality: 1 Warm --
10 Cold
1 Fun Loving --
10 Serious
1 At Ease -- 10 Anxious

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the applicant in the following areas relative to others at a similar level of development. Skip areas you don't feel qualified to evaluate.

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Rapport with Youth
Team Participation
First Impression
Servant Heart
Spiritual Maturity
Leadership Potential

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* 7. Please describe a situation or interaction that you feel best illustrates the applicant's character or ability to serve successfully in the position for which he or she applied.

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* 8. Please assess the applicant's readiness and emotional health to work with children and peers in an intensive Christian camping experience.

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* 9. If you had a child of camper age, would you want him or her placed under the direct care and nurturing of the applicant?

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* 10. Do you have any reason to believe the applicant is not fit to work in close contact or individual supervision of children?

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* 11. Please explain (only if you answered "Yes" above)

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* 12. Recommendation for position at Covenant Point Bible Camp

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* 13. Other Comments