Hundreds of charities and community groups work across our town helping to improve and enhance the lives of Reading's residents. The following questions are designed to help us understand more about public awareness and perception of these local charities and community groups.

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* 1. Could you name a charity or community group that is based and works in Reading?

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* 2. Have you or a member of your family benefited from the services of a local charity or community group in the past two years? Examples might include attending an event, being part of an activity or receiving support and advice with an issue

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* 3. Thinking about the last Reading based charity or community group you or a member of your family benefited from the services of, how would you rate the service you received from this charity? (Please skip if you or a member of your family have not benefited from such services)

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* 4. If you thought you or a member of your family might benefit from the support of a local charity or community group how would you go about finding one? (skip if not sure)

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* 5. How much do you trust charities and community groups to act in the best interests of those they serve?

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* 6. Thinking about Reading based charities and community groups, would you say that your trust in them is lesser, about the same or greater than for national charities?

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* 7. Have you heard of Reading Voluntary Action?

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* 8. Have you heard of the Reading Community Lottery?