Contact Information

Dear Valued Customer,

We hope this message finds you well!

We are excited to announce the Cedarlane Connection Survey.As we continue to improve and enhance your Cedarlane experience, we’d love to hear your valuable feedback.

This quick survey (just 15 minutes to complete) is your opportunity to share your insights and help us serve you better. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll be entered into a draw for exciting prizes!

Here’s What You Could Win:
🎁 1 of 15 Cedarlane Prize Packs (includes exclusive merchandise: water bottle, coffee mug, and more!)
☕ 1 of 10 Tim Hortons Gift Cards
🍕 1 of 5 Boston Pizza Gift Cards
☕ 1 Brand-New Nespresso Coffee Machine
📱 Grand Prize: Most Popular iPad!

We truly value your time and input and can’t wait to hear from you. Thank you for being a part of Cedarlane!

Question Title

1. Please tell us about yourself

Question Title

2. My Cedarlane customer account number is: (Optional)

Question Title

3. My current role is :

Question Title

4. Who handles purchasing for your lab? Do you manage it yourself, or is it done through an internal purchasing program?

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20% of survey complete.