IPAA SA is your professional association. We need your help to inform us on how we can support you best in your career in the public sector. We will use the information provided by our members in this survey to inform our future programming and strategic focus.

This survey has been designed for all types of survey takers - for those who would like to give detailed answers and those that only want to give their opinion on what really matters to them. No question is compulsory so if you would prefer to not answer something, skip right on by. It should take you between 10 - 15 minutes.

As a thank you, we are giving respondents the opportunity to enter the draw to win a 1-day short course from the IPAA SA professional development program or two tickets to IPAA SA's Economic Outlook Breakfast (three to give away).

On completion of the survey, we will give you details on how to enter, but you will not need to provide your name or contact details in the survey - your results are completely anonymous.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey please don't hesitate to contact us at kathryno@sa.ipaa.org.au or phone us on 8212 7555.

Thanks for your participation!