Student Grades 6-8 Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to gather general information about what you think and feel about your school and your relationship with the school. In response to the questions asked below, please click on the button next to the answer that is closest to what you think or feel.

Thank you!

Question Title

* When I am at school, I feel:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I belong
I am safe
I have fun learning
I like this school
This school is good
I have freedom at school
I have choices in what I learn
My teachers treat me with respect
My teachers care about me
My teachers think I will be successful
My teachers listen to my ideas
My principal cares about me
My teachers are good teachers
My teachers believe I can learn
I am recognized for good work
I am challenged by the work my teachers ask me to do
The work I do in class makes me think
I know what I am supposed to be learning in my classes
I am a good student
I can be a better student
Quality work is expected at my school
I behave well at school
Students are treated fairly by teachers
Students are treated fairly by administrators
Students at my school treat me with respect
Students at my school are friendly
I have lots of friends
I have support for learning at home
My family believes I can do well in school
My family wants me to do well in school

Question Title

* What do you like about this school?

Question Title

* What do you wish was different at this school?


For each item, please select the description that applies to you.
These demographic data are used for summary analyses.
Some descriptions will not be reported if groups are so small that individuals can be identified.

Question Title

* Grade Level:

Question Title

* Ethnicity:

Question Title

* Gender: