Below is a quick benchmark survey that will take less than 5 minutes. 
Individual responses to this survey are strictly confidential. Data will only be reported in aggregate.
This seven question survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

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* 1. What are your firm’s top two priorities  (Please select no more than two)

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* 2. What top three areas does your firm plans to allocate more funds and prioritize? (Please select no more than three.)

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* 3. Many firms in our market interface with other larger firms (manufacturers, software companies, suppliers, carriers, etc.) to do their work. Would you say that you are…

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* 4. Do you expect a market decline with less revenue due to less work within your client base due to clients’ staff reductions?

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* 5. Which of the following are part of your value proposition with prospects and clients? (select all that apply)

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* 6. Please provide your contact information so we can invite you to the virtual conference findings presentation.