ETMA Quarterly Benchmark Below is a quick benchmark survey that will take less than 5 minutes. Individual responses to this survey are strictly confidential. Data will only be reported in aggregate.This seven question survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Question Title * 1. What are your firm’s top two priorities (Please select no more than two) Growth through selling to existing customers Automation to reduce inefficiencies New customer acquisition New product development Growth through channel sales Customer retention Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What top three areas does your firm plans to allocate more funds and prioritize? (Please select no more than three.) Sales Operations Middle management Senior level management Automation to reduce inefficiencies Off shoring work New product and or software development Mergers & acquisitions Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Many firms in our market interface with other larger firms (manufacturers, software companies, suppliers, carriers, etc.) to do their work. Would you say that you are… Gaining power compared to other large firms. Losing power compared to other large firms. About the same Don’t know. Question Title * 4. Do you expect a market decline with less revenue due to less work within your client base due to clients’ staff reductions? Yes. We expect a decline in the overall market in sales for our offerings. No. We expect the market to grow for our offerings. We expect the market to stay the same. Unsure. Question Title * 5. Which of the following are part of your value proposition with prospects and clients? (select all that apply) Cost savings Cyber Security Greater visibility into spending Greater visibility into IT Assets Accountability, chargeback visibility, reporting on usage Sourcing of Technology/Hardware Business Process Outsourcing Labor and process efficiencies automating manual processes Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Please provide your contact information so we can invite you to the virtual conference findings presentation. Name Title Company E-mail Done