Welcome to the Imagine Downtown Chehalis Rejuvenation Project!

The City of Chehalis is developing a downtown rejuvenation plan that will enhance streetscapes and public spaces, improve accessibility and safety, and preserve the historic charm of the downtown area. The goal is to create a safer and more welcoming streetscape, fostering a sense of community and supporting economic prosperity.
  • This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
  • Survey closes February 23rd, 2025
If you need assistance completing the survey, please contact Lance Bunker, the Public Works Director at lbunker@ci.chehalis.wa.us & 360-748-0238.

About the Project

The Imagine Downtown Chehalis project will reconstruct Market Boulevard, Washington and Pacific Avenues, and Boistfort Street in the historic downtown area. This comprehensive effort includes enhancements like upgraded sidewalks, optimized traffic flow, improved roadways, opportunities for community events, and enhanced lighting. It is intended to express the long-term vision for your downtown. This plan will also help the City secure grants for future development and is intended to guide final design and implementation as funding becomes available.

The public is invited to engage and share perspectives. Your valuable input has shaped decisions and will continue to do so, ensuring that downtown Chehalis meets the needs of its residents while becoming a safer, more accessible, and a cohesive hub for businesses, locals, and visitors.

Question Title


This project began in February of 2024 and will go through Spring of 2025 and includes community feedback through open house events, an open studio session, and online surveys.

The first outreach event and online survey was held in June 2024 as we kicked off the project. The second outreach event and online survey in August 2024 presented several concepts built on the initial feedback as well as early input during the open studio portion of the event where we invited the community to come help us develop three concepts for the historic downtown. The three concepts developed during that second event were presented at an open house and via online survey for further consideration and input from the community. Preferred concepts were further developed based on the survey results and input during the second open house event.

We are currently in the preferred concept development phase of the project. This is expected to be the final outreach event for the community to come together and provide feedback on the preferred concepts before the Final Master Plan is completed.

<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Schedule<br><br></strong></span>This project began in February of 2024 and will go through Spring of 2025 and includes community feedback through open house events, an open studio session, and online surveys. <br><br>The first outreach event and online survey was held in June 2024 as we kicked off the project. The second outreach event and online survey in August 2024 presented several concepts built on the initial feedback as well as early input during the open studio portion of the event where we invited the community to come help us develop three concepts for the historic downtown. The three concepts developed during that second event were presented at an open house and via online survey for further consideration and input from the community. Preferred concepts were further developed based on the survey results and input during the second open house event. <br><br>We are currently in the preferred concept development phase of the project. This is expected to be the final outreach event for the community to come together and provide feedback on the preferred concepts before the Final Master Plan is completed.

Question Title

Project Limits for Downtown Chehalis Rejuvenation

For the purposes of this project, Downtown Chehalis is defined as the area shown below.

<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Project Limits for Downtown Chehalis Rejuvenation</strong></span><br><br>For the purposes of this project, Downtown Chehalis is defined as the area shown below.
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17% of survey complete.