Exam Extension Guidelines

The rules of examination in the CHIA Examination Candidate Instruction Handbook state that candidates have 90 days from the date they receive their learning materials and instructions to take the examination (both sittings, if needed).

Extensions may be given for additional time beyond the 90 days, but are limited to unforeseen and extenuating circumstances surrounding, but not limited to:
  • Changes to your parental or carer responsibilities (medical note/certificate required)
  • Unforeseen illness (medical evidence required)
  • Loss of immediate family member
  • Environmental disasters 
The duration of the extension will be limited and will be considered in association with how much time has passed from registration and what the unforeseen and extenuating circumstances are.

Extensions must be received in writing (by filling out the following form), and documentation needs to be provided to support your reason for extension.  Requests are deidentified by the CHIA program staff and provided for review by the CHIA Examination Committee (EC).

There are some reasons for extension requests that will not be granted.  These are similar, but not limited to the following:
  • Changes in work commitments
  • Unexpected travel commitments
  • Annual leave
  • Moving homes
Extensions will only be considered more than 14 days out from your 90 day deadline. Within the 14 days, extensions will not be considered.

You will receive a response with regards to the outcome of your extension within 7 business days.