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First Prize: US$1200
Second Prize: US$800

As an accepted platform presenter at the 11th WFC ACC Global Education Conference, you are eligible to participate in the CERF-WFC Alan Adams Education Research Award Competition.

Only accepted platform presentations that have not yet been submitted to a journal or published elsewhere will be allowed to submit to this paper awards competition. This competition is not compulsory, and this invitation may be declined by the authors. To participate you must be registered and enter the awards competition by October 1, 2024.

To participate in this education research awards competition, your accepted abstract must be expanded into a full paper, with the final manuscript submitted here by October 1, 2024. Only those abstracts selected originally for platform presentation will be eligible for the competition.

1. For the award competition, upload one file that contains:

a. Cover page stating author information (name, degrees, affiliations), that the paper is original and has not been submitted or published elsewhere.

b. Format paper according to scientific journal publication standards, which includes: title, abstract, introduction/ background, methods, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, and references. Include figures and tables at the end of the Word or PDF file.

2. Proof of ethics approval or exemption. If the study involves human subjects, include the IRB/ ethics board approval or exemption letter.

If you have any questions about the submissions process, please email


Prize-winning papers will be announced at the conference. After the announcement, the authors shall submit their materials to the Journal of Chiropractic Education, the paper will go through peer review, and the authors must make any required revisions before acceptance. Only accepted papers will receive the prize. Prize-winning papers will be designated as free access. The Journal of Chiropractic Education is an international journal and is indexed in PubMed and Scopus. The award will be paid to the corresponding author upon proof of the paper having “in press” status.

This research award is named in honor of Dr Alan Adams, who made substantial contributions to chiropractic education and chiropractic education research.

Yours sincerely
Bart Green, DC, MSEd, PhD JCE, Editor in Chief
Richard Brown DC, LL.M WFC, Secretary-General
The Chiropractic Educators Research Forum (CERF) is an online forum where chiropractic educators share their insights and learn new information about research and scholarship.  It is a place for chiropractic educators to engage in research and the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, teaching, and engagement. Our Mission: To build scholarship and research capacity for chiropractic educators throughout the world.

The members of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) are 90 national associations of chiropractors in 89 nations. The WFC represents them and the chiropractic profession in the international community. Its goals, found in section 6 of the WFC Articles and Bylaws, include: Acting with national and international organizations to provide information and other assistance in the fields of chiropractic and world health; Promoting uniform high standards of chiropractic education, research and practice; Developing an informed public opinion among all peoples with respect to chiropractic; and Advancing the chiropractic profession and protecting the character and status of the profession.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name here

Question Title

* 2. Please confirm that as an author you and your coauthors wish to submit your accepted platform abstract to this Paper Awards Competition.

Question Title

* 3. Please upload your paper submission. If you wish to enter 2 different submissions, please enter each as separate submissions (eg, enter one submission, click done, then open the submission site again to submit the second submission).  

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
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Question Title

* 4. Ethics approval or exemption letter.    Proof of ethics approval or exemption. If the study involves human subjects, upload the IRB/ ethics board approval  or exemption letter.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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If you have any questions about the submissions process, please email Dr. Bart Green at   
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