June 28 2025 Virtual Conference

Question Title

Dear Colleague,

The Chiropractic Educators Research Forum (CERF) invites you to showcase your education research, innovations, and best-practices.

This June 28, 2025 Chiropractic Educators Research Forum (CERF) Conference “Continuous Quality Improvement: Making Chiropractic Education Better ” specifically focuses on research related to continuous quality improvement.

The abstract due date is March 7, 2025.

We look forward to your participation!

CERF Scientific Committee and Advisory Board
Detailed Instructions for Abstract Submission

Due March 7, 2025 https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CERF2025June
1. The topic must be relevant to the conference theme: collaboration. Please make the topic clear in the title and abstract.
2. Research may include observational or experimental, qualitative, or quantitative designs in any area of chiropractic education related to the conference theme. Emphasis is on education research and the production of new knowledge. Abstracts should include qualitative or quantitative results (evidence). Proof of ethics approval/exemption from your institution is expected.
3. Researchers from all countries/regions are welcome. The conference's official language is English and all abstracts, presentations, and if entered in the paper contest, final award-winning papers must be in English.
4. Abstracts are limited to 250 words maximum (word count does not include title, authors, or affiliations).
5. No more than two (2) submissions per presenting author are allowed.
6. Do not include references, tables, graphs, figures, pictures, video, etc. in the abstract.
7. Use headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion. See this short video for more information https://youtu.be/0hWmLtdFJq8
8. Only submissions that report original findings will be considered. Abstracts of previously accepted presentations are admissible or recent papers that have been published within 1 year prior to the conference date. Published papers prior to 1 year of the conference date are not allowed. Presentations that have been submitted to other education conferences (eg, ACCRAC, WFC-ACC, AERA, AAMC) may be submitted to this conference.
9. The presenter must supply proof of research ethics/institutional review board exemption or approval, if appropriate for the study design.
10. Authors are responsible for checking for accuracy at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts will be published as submitted by the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the primary author to ensure that all requirements are met.
11. At the discretion of the conference committee, some authors may be given an opportunity to revise their abstract. The abstract must be revised suitably to be considered for inclusion in the conference by any requested deadlines.
12. The primary author will be the contact person responsible for submission of all required materials and all correspondence. Only authors are allowed to present their material. By submitting an abstract, the authors consent that the abstract will be published in the proceedings if the submission is accepted for presentation.
13. All presentations are to be made in a non-commercial and non-self-promotional manner. All conflicts of interest of all authors must be disclosed.
14. Peer Review Process: All submissions will be evaluated by the CERF Scientific Committee for completeness, strength of contribution, scholarly rigor, evidence of results, and relevance to the conference.
15. If you have questions, email chiroeducatorsresearchforum@gmail.com
Publication, Abstracting, and Indexing

All accepted abstract presentations will be published in the conference proceedings in the Journal of Chiropractic Education (Official journal of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges). The JCE is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that is indexed in PubMed.

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline March 7, 2025
Notification of acceptance/rejection April 2, 2025
Presenter registration (Early bird US$125) deadline April 15, 2025
Presenter registration (Last chance US$200) deadline April 25, 2025
Submission of pre-recorded presentation June 1, 2025
Conference presentation on June 28, 2025
Please check for spelling and accuracy when entering the information. The information you input here is what will be included in the proceedings if your abstract is accepted.

Question Title

* 1. Is the topic of your abstract directly relevant to the conference theme: Continuous Quality Improvement (as defined in the instructions)?

Question Title

* 2. First Author (corresponding author)

Question Title

* 3. Second Author

Question Title

* 4. Third Author

Question Title

* 5. Fourth Author

Question Title

* 6. Fifth Author

Question Title

* 7. Sixth Author

Question Title

* 8. If there are 7 or more authors, please list additional authors in order here. Include full name, academic institution, conflicts of interest and email, and biosketch of each additional author. (if no other authors, please leave blank)

Question Title

* 9. Presenting Author(s) Name. The presenting authors are required to register ($125 fee for each presenter) and attend the conference. Only authors may make the presentation. If more than one presenting author, please include both presenting authors' names. Each presenting author is required to register ($125 fee for each presenter)

Question Title

* 10. Title of submission. Please use scientific style and limit to 25 words or less.

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* 11. Total Abstract words is 250 maximum these are the headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion. All words within these 4 headings count to the 250 word limit. 

Please copy and paste your OBJECTIVES/PURPOSE statement here.

Question Title

* 12. Please copy and paste your METHODS here. (how you did your study to achieve your results)

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* 13. Please copy and paste your RESULTS here. (your findings, outcomes, or results go here)

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* 14. Please copy and paste your CONCLUSION here. (summary of how the results addressed your purpose statement)

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* 15. Paper Award Competition. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, we will invite you to further develop your paper and participate in the paper competition. Your full paper does not need to be ready at this time. Please select one.

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* 16. Please select one of the following as it relates to ethics review and approval/exemption of your study.

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* 17. Please upload a copy of your study's REB/IRB/Ethics board approval or exemption letter here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 18. Terms & Conditions:

1. As authors, we understand that submitting an abstract is a commitment to present if accepted. At least one author of the accepted submission will register (US$125 early bird rate, US$200 last chance rate) no later than the due date. We will submit an acceptable pre-recorded presentation by the due date and will be present (live) at the scheduled presentation time during the virtual conference.  We understand that withdrawing after acceptance will remove the abstract from the proceedings. There are no refunds for registration fees. 
2. As authors, we confirm that each of us is qualified as an author of this presentation according to ICMJE www.icmje.org criteria; each has been active in the actual project, research and/or analysis of the data. Each author is capable of defending all contents.
3. As authors, we have listed all relevant conflicts of interest.
4. As authors, we understand that presentations may not be used to market products or services. All presentations are to be done in a non-commercial and non-self-promotional manner.
5. For accepted abstracts we give permission for: 1) presentation by the presenting author; 2) publication of the abstract in the conference proceedings; and 3) publication of the video of the presentation.
6. As authors, we give permission for the accepted abstract to be printed in a supplemental conference proceeding. This will still allow us to publish any full and completed paper in any journal we wish. We recognize that the Conference reserves the right to publish the abstract, video, or any details or data submitted for the purposes of the Conference either in electronic or printed format before, during and after the Conference.
7. For any research that requires ethics review, if asked we will provide the proper documentation (IRB/REB/Ethics approval) since this is a requirement to present at the conference.
8. We confirm that the research submission has not been previously published elsewhere. Previous presentations with published abstract proceedings or abstracts concurrently submitted to other conferences are acceptable for submission. 

Click here to accept the terms and conditions for submitting abstracts

Click the "done" button to complete your submission.

A confirmation note will show on the next screen with the successful upload of your information. Thank you for your submission.