Detailed Instructions for Abstract Submission
Due March 7, 2025
1. The topic must be relevant to the conference theme: collaboration. Please make the topic clear in the title and abstract.
2. Research may include observational or experimental, qualitative, or quantitative designs in any area of chiropractic education related to the conference theme. Emphasis is on education research and the production of new knowledge. Abstracts should include qualitative or quantitative results (evidence). Proof of ethics approval/exemption from your institution is expected.
3. Researchers from all countries/regions are welcome. The conference's official language is English and all abstracts, presentations, and if entered in the paper contest, final award-winning papers must be in English.
4. Abstracts are limited to 250 words maximum (word count does not include title, authors, or affiliations).
5. No more than two (2) submissions per presenting author are allowed.
6. Do not include references, tables, graphs, figures, pictures, video, etc. in the abstract.
7. Use headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion. See this short video for more information
8. Only submissions that report original findings will be considered. Abstracts of previously accepted presentations are admissible or recent papers that have been published within 1 year prior to the conference date. Published papers prior to 1 year of the conference date are not allowed. Presentations that have been submitted to other education conferences (eg, ACCRAC, WFC-ACC, AERA, AAMC) may be submitted to this conference.
9. The presenter must supply proof of research ethics/institutional review board exemption or approval, if appropriate for the study design.
10. Authors are responsible for checking for accuracy at the time of abstract submission. Abstracts will be published as submitted by the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the primary author to ensure that all requirements are met.
11. At the discretion of the conference committee, some authors may be given an opportunity to revise their abstract. The abstract must be revised suitably to be considered for inclusion in the conference by any requested deadlines.
12. The primary author will be the contact person responsible for submission of all required materials and all correspondence. Only authors are allowed to present their material. By submitting an abstract, the authors consent that the abstract will be published in the proceedings if the submission is accepted for presentation.
13. All presentations are to be made in a non-commercial and non-self-promotional manner. All conflicts of interest of all authors must be disclosed.
14. Peer Review Process: All submissions will be evaluated by the CERF Scientific Committee for completeness, strength of contribution, scholarly rigor, evidence of results, and relevance to the conference.
15. If you have questions, email