Thank you for attending Sustainability Victoria’s Fighting Food Waste virtual event. We hope you feel inspired and excited for our waste-free future!  

The following questions will take around 5 minutes to complete and will help us in developing future events and designing other activities. If you have any questions, please email 
 Knowledge of circular economy

Question Title

* 1. For each of the following, please rate your level of knowledge before and after the webinar event.

  Very low Low Moderate High  Very high
Understanding of circular economy principles
Understanding of circular economy principles
Knowledge regarding opportunities to apply circular economy practices within your area of work, organisation or industry
Knowledge regarding opportunities to apply circular economy practices within your area of work, organisation or industry
Knowledge regarding the barriers to applying circular economy practices within your area of work, organisation or industry
Knowledge regarding the barriers to applying circular economy practices within your area of work, organisation or industry
Knowledge regarding the benefits of transitioning to the circular economy for your area of work, organisation or industry
Knowledge regarding the benefits of transitioning to the circular economy for your area of work, organisation or industry
Motivation to support and or implement circular economy practices to your area of work, organisation or industry.
Motivation to support and or implement circular economy practices to your area of work, organisation or industry.
Confidence in implementing circular economy principles or practices to your area of work, organisation or industry.
Confidence in implementing circular economy principles or practices to your area of work, organisation or industry.
Intention to implement circular economy principles or practices to your area of work, within the next few months
Intention to implement circular economy principles or practices to your area of work, within the next few months
The event

Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the event ...

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral  Agree Strongly agree
I feel inspired and motivated following the event
The event was professional and well run
The speakers were high quality and informative
The event registration process was easy to follow
The event was very relevant to me/my work

Question Title

* 3. Do you have suggestions for how we can improve our events in the future?

Thank you for your feedback!  We greatly appreciate it.