If have questions or would like to receive more information
about the Center for Community Collaboration, our work,
or any of our projects and materials, please fill out the form below. 

Once you have completed the form, our staff will contact you to discuss your request.

Thank you for your interest!

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Name of Agency/Organization (if applicable)

Question Title

* 4. Agency/Organization Address

Question Title

* 5. Job Title/Role

Question Title

* 6. Phone Number

Question Title

* 7. Email Address

Question Title

* 8. What type of services does your agency/organization provide?

Question Title

* 9. Please list any questions you may have or provide details on the information/materials being requested.

Please feel free to contact us using the information below


Center for Community Collaboration
Department of Psychology
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250
P: 410-455-5840
F: 410-455-3866
E: communitycollaboration@umbc.edu