
Thank you for taking valuable time out of your busy schedule to complete this survey. Your investment of time will contribute to the knowledge that will improve the conditions and address the needs of all child care providers in Illinois.

The survey will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. It need not be completed at one sitting - you can save your progress and return to complete the survey later - but we ask that you complete it within 2 weeks of beginning. Please read the following tips for success:

- Try to answer each question as accurately as possible.
- You may skip a question if you do not wish to answer, but we encourage you to respond knowing that your answers will be kept confidential.
- If you click "Next" but are not taken to the next page, it means a response might be entered incorrectly. You will see a message in red text if there are errors that need to be corrected.

We would appreciate it if you would complete the survey by May 31, 2023.

If you have questions or any trouble with the survey, you can reach us via email at You can also call and speak with Betty Akamani at (309) 430-6380. Thank you again for your participation!

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your survey password and click "Next" to begin. You are responding to the survey for Licensed Child Care Centers. If you are supposed to answer the survey for Licensed Family Child Care, click here.

5% of survey complete.