Thank you for your interest in reviewing this draft CCAC document.



This review process uses our dynamic comment collection system. Please watch the video below for details on how to use the system effectively.


Aside from the required identifying information at the beginning, you can provide feedback on all sections or only on sections of interest. After commenting on a section, you can choose to comment on another section, leave a general comment about the document, or go directly to the last page to submit your review. A PDF version of the draft document and its accompanying reference list are available to assist you in cross-checking during your review. However, we ask that you provide feedback only through the online system, which displays sections of the draft document, followed by comment boxes. The PDF version differs slightly in that there is a table of contents and references.

TIP: You can navigate through the online document using the “Prev” or “Save/Next” buttons. Do not use your browser’s navigation buttons, as you may exit the comment collection system.

For cross-checking the document, download the draft PDF.
If you do not have time to review the entire document at once, please click “Save/Next” at the bottom of the page and then click “Exit” at the top right of the next page. If you exit from the page you are working on, your comments on that page will not be saved. To return at a later time, click on the original link used, then select the section you were working on. You must open the link in the browser you used before (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari) to view your previously entered feedback. Do not submit your review until you have finished, as feedback can only be submitted once from a given browser.

Following the review period, we will consider all feedback in revision of this draft document. The document will then be reviewed and approved by both the CCAC Standards Committee and the CCAC Board of Directors prior to publication.