The Commuter Benefit Reallocation Period has ended. Starting in 2020, Commuter Benefit Plan Funds (CBP) could be moved from Mass Transit to Parking and vice versa. This was a temporary option to provide some relief for plan participants who were changing their commuting practices during the Pandemic. The final date to submit participant CBP Reallocation requests was July 10, 2023. If you have remaining funds, here are a few overlooked options for using your Commuter Benefit Funds: o Mass Transit Expenses  + Extended Train Commutes (i.e. Amtrak)  + Single-ride Fares + Tap-and-ride on-demand by adding your Beniversal card to your preferred digital wallet  + Vanpools  + Ferries o Parking  + Self-serve parking  + Parking at train station  + Parking meters / reserved spots  + Parking apps (i.e. Spot hero)
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