This form must be submitted before 5pm February 18th 2025

The Small Farm Planning Program involves 5 one-day workshops held on weekends between March and June 2025. Please make sure you are available to attend all 5 workshops before completing this form. The Small Farm Planning Program 2025 Guidelines (including workshop dates) are available on the home page (under the events section).

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* 1. Applicant and property details

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* 2. Property descriptors (rank 1-8 in order of land coverage with 1 being most coverage and 8 being least).

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* 3. Please provide any further information relevant to the above question here:

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* 4. What are your main goals or objectives for your property over the next 3-5 years (maximum 150 words)

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* 5. Have you attended NRM South events or workshops previously?

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* 6. Which of the following best describes yourself?

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* 7. If you classify as a farmer or hobby farmer, do any of the following apply to you?

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* 8. Which of the following productions is your property involved in? (select all that apply)

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* 9. Are you willing to make your property available for a PMP workshop?

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* 10. If yes, can you provide a sheltered area for approx. 25 people

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* 11. Conditions
In submitting this Expression of Interest I/we agree that should the application be successful I/we agree that we will pay the program fee of $350 for up to two individuals per property.
I agree that I have read and understood the above conditions