1. Overview

Measurement, Mobilization, and Moving Forward formed the focus of the third White House Convening on School Counseling and College Advising, held early November at the University of North Florida.  At this meeting, the California State team began to develop an Action Plan for the coming year.

California’s team included leaders from State Credentials, the CSU Chancellor’s Office, and California Colleges.edu.  Also in attendance were district and county superintendents, school counselors, County Office of Education Leaders, as well as Presidents and Past-Presidents of the California Association of School Counselors (CASC), and the Western Association for College Admission Counseling (WACAC).

To ensure state-wide participation and identification of resources, our work will be organized with a Leadership Team, and four Working Groups with co-chairs for each.

Here are the four working groups that will need volunteers.  

A-G Completion
College Entrance Exams - ACT/SAT
College Applications Process
Financial Aid Completion