The California Energy Commission (CEC) is seeking your valuable feedback on documents, tools, and resources intended to support compliance with the Energy Code. Your feedback is important to our ongoing efforts to provide better service and support. Please respond by December 3, 2021. This survey is being administered by the CEC in partnership with the California Statewide Utility Codes & Standards Program.

Question Title

* 1. What is your role?

Question Title

* 2. Are the following California Energy Code support resources useful to your job?

  What Is This? Not Useful Somewhat Useful Useful Vital
Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6)
Reference Appendices 
Compliance Manuals 
Compliance Forms 
Alternative Calculation Methods Approval Manual
Alternative Calculation Methods Reference Manuals
Residential Energy Compliance Software
Commercial Energy Compliance Software 
CEC Blueprint Newsletter 
CEC Online Resource Center 
CEC Building Standards Hotline 

Question Title

* 3. The Energy Code has:

Question Title

* 4. To improve the Energy Code, the CEC should focus efforts on: (choose all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Provide any additional feedback including examples of good or ideal code resources: