Course Evaluation Survey

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* 1. Check appropriate title.

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* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the organization of this meeting.

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* 3. The ACCME defines commercial bias as presentations giving an unbalanced view of therapeutic options by promoting a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.

Was this course free of commercial bias?

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* 4. How well were the 2018 MLB Dominican Republic Sports Medicine Seminar Objectives met?

Upon completion of the course participants should be able to:

  Significantly Met Somewhat Met Not Met
Perform a comprehensive evaluation of the concussions and elbow injuries utilizing best practices
Develop advanced rehabilitation principles for elbow injuries and concussions.
Identify appropriate bio-mechanical and neuromuscular components of elbow function
Describe the similarities and differences between practitioners in the DR and USA in treating patients with upper extremity conditions and concussions.

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* 5. Did you meet your personal goal/objective for what you intended to get out of this course?

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* 6. Do you intend to integrate what you learned at this conference into your current practice?

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* 7. Please rate the relevance of this program to your scope of practice: