Note: Book dealers and book resellers are not permitted to volunteer.
The FOHCL Book Sale is our biggest fundraiser and a valuable community event.
Thank you for volunteering for our 24th Annual Book Sale.
Indicate which volunteer opportunities and dates/times are of interest by selecting the corresponding check box.
For each person volunteering, submit one completed survey.
Please keep a copy for your records by printing prior to submitting form.
Location Key:
SCP - South County Park Fairgrounds (1207 Rt. 179, Lambertville, NJ)
NCB - North County Branch Library (65 Halstead Street, Clinton, NJ)
Please contact FOHCL at 908-303-9821 or email with any questions regarding volunteering.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. If you are a student, please indicate your grade.

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* 3. SCP Set-Up
Volunteers prepare SCP Grange Building for book drives, sorting and book sale. Set-up activities include unloading and setting up tables, shelves, banners, boxes, signs, and all other supplies.

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* 4. SCP Book Drives
(Bottled water provided, Pizza available at lunch. Please bring any other meals/snacks you may need.) Activities include unloading cars, packing donations, lifting and stacking boxes, and cardboard recycling. (Sorting is not a priority and sorting is not planned during book drives.) Schedule is flexible. Volunteer for a few hours, or both days.

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* 5. NCB Packing
(Bottled water provided. Please bring any needed meals/snacks.) Pack donated items at North County Branch Library for transport to South County Park. Schedule is flexible. Volunteer for a few hours, days, or every day at NCB. NCB packing occurs for only three days, April 5-7, 2022.

Question Title

* 6. SCP Sorting & Sales Set-up
(Bottled water provided. Volunteers: please bring any needed meals/snacks.) Schedule is flexible, volunteer for a few hours, days or every day. Volunteers sort donated items into defined categories, organize sale tables for item display, and pack overflow items into boxes for display below sale tables.

Question Title

* 7. SCP Preview Sale Set-Up
Volunteers complete final sale prep and provide general assistance to Preview Sale customers which includes carrying items to assigned book parking areas, counting items for purchase, restocking items to tables, and helping customers load their cars with their purchases.
(Volunteers working this day may not shop or purchase.)

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* 8. SCP Book Sale Days
(Volunteers working assigned shifts during the Book Sale may not shop or purchase during their work shifts.)

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* 9. SCP Book Sale Day Job Rank Order:
Rank Order Job Choice from 1 to 5 with 1 being most interested, 5 being least interested. All efforts will be made to make job assignment based on rankings. Please note that temporary job reassignments may occur based upon book sale needs that day.

Question Title

* 10. SCP Clean-Up Days
Volunteers break down tables and shelves, transport supplies back to storage unit and HQ, assist in disposal of leftover books, clean up and restore SCP Grange Building and grounds to good condition before departure. Clean up begins after the Bag Sale closing time.

Please keep a copy for your records by printing prior to submitting form.