
Question Title

Thank you for your interest in participating in this research project.  Please keep in mind that your participation is voluntary, and if you do not wish to take part, you do not have to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to stop at any time without explanation, and your data will not be used in the research. You will be given the Participant Information and Consent Form to sign and you will be given a copy to keep. Your decision whether you take part, or not to take part, or to take part and then withdraw, will not affect your relationship with the University of Queensland.

What is this research about? This project focuses on the production of a specific set of online resources – laboratory skills training videos.  We are looking for instructor input on the most valuable laboratory skills to produce video resources for in molecular biosciences.

What will I need to do? If you agree to participate this will involve filling out an online survey (10-15 minutes).  If you wish to participate in a follow-up interview, this will occur online over Zoom and take an additional 30 minutes of your time.  Please leave your details as part of the final survey question and our project team will organise the time for an interview.

What are the possible benefits of taking part? The project will produce a series of laboratory training videos that will be made publicly available.  Your input into the design of these resources will maximise their effectiveness across your own teaching and learning context, as well as those of other molecular bioscience instructors

What are the possible risks and disadvantages of taking part? No risks, discomfort, or inconvenience above that of everyday life will result from your participation in this project.

What will happen to the information about me? All information collected about you will remain confidential. It is anticipated that the results of this research project will be published and/or presented in a variety of forms. In any publication and/or presentation, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified, except with your expressed permission.

What will happen if I decide to withdraw? Your participation in this research is voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the research anytime without needing to provide any explanation, and you would not receive any penalty or bias as a result of your withdrawal. Should you decide to withdraw, all the information collected from/about you will be destroyed and will not be used in the research.

Can I hear about the results of this research? The videos produced as a result of this project will be publicly disseminated via the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) online repository.

Who can I contact if I have any concerns about the project? This study adheres to the Guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. Whilst you are free to discuss your participation in this study with the researcher contactable on (  if you would like to speak to an officer of the University not involved in the study, you may contact the Ethics Coordinator on +617 3365 3924 / +617 3443 1656 or email
This research Ethics ID number: 2021/HE001343

Question Title

* 1. Please click and tick one of the boxes to indicate whether you agree to participate or not in this study.

Your response is based on the understanding that this project is designed to produce laboratory skills training videos for the molecular biosciences.  The Participant Information Sheet provided is in a language you can understand. You understand that in this research you will be required to fill out a survey and have the option of participating in a follow-up online interview. You understand that my interviews will be Audio/Video recorded. You understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw from this research anytime without needing to provide any explanation, and you would not receive any penalty or bias as a result of your withdrawal. Should you decide to withdraw, you understand that your data will be destroyed and will not be used in the research.

You understand that data collected for this research will be stored on UQ computers and research data managers that are only accessible to the project team. You understand that this research adheres to the Guidelines of the ethical review process of UQ and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. You have been provided with contact details of the researcher, as well as the UQ Ethics Coordinator.