
Thank you for your interest in taking part in this survey on improving awareness and access to the Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).
The Clean Energy Regulator administers the ERF and is interested in understanding how to make it easier for landholders and land managers, including farmers and traditional owners, to participate in the scheme. This may involve providing online education and support tools to make it easier to engage and participate in the scheme.

In this survey, we want to hear from people working in the carbon or agriculture industry. This survey is intended for:

  • current participants of the ERF,
  • landholders and land managers, including farmers and traditional owners, who are not currently participating in the ERF, and
  • organisations or businesses providing services to support people to participate in the ERF (e.g. carbon service providers) or those with specialised knowledge and expertise that can support understanding the carbon farming experience (e.g. government agencies, peak bodies, academics).

The findings of this survey will assist the Clean Energy Regulator to develop new ways to make it easier for people to access and participate in the ERF and create more benefits for landholders, land managers (including farmers and traditional owners) service providers in the carbon and agriculture sectors, and the environment.
We would like to hear your thoughts about:
  • your knowledge and experience with carbon farming and the ERF
  • experiences with signing up and participating
  • ways to make it easier to manage an ERF project.
The survey contains a series of multiple choice questions and should take 5 minutes or less to complete.
Your privacy is important to us. The information you provide in this survey will be aggregated and anonymously reported.
14% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Would like more information on the ERF before beginning the survey?